Few things are as iconic as the classic Mel's Diner in Phoenix Arizona. The diner was memorialized in the 1976-1985 sitcom "Alice" starred Linda Lavin as the titular Mel's Diner waitress. Fast forward to 2021 and embrace a love for nostalgia, great service and an experience like none other, and what you get is Mel's Carwash & Express Detail brought to life.

Something old, something new

During our Discovery process, we dove into what makes iconic brands like the Mel's Diner TV show stand the test of time. Could we replicate that magic? In our Creative process, we exhaustively explored combinations of color and typography, searching for a pairing that would echo our original inspiration while bringing a modern feel to the table.

A Clean Approach

The design strategy was simple: Translate just how clean and polished Mel's will leave your car into a visual that feels like a guarantee.

Developing secondary versions of the Mel's logo was a tactic we knew would work beautifully inside their branding. We drew out the letter "M" and turned it into a stand-alone secondary mark, with applications for apparel, signage, vehicle graphics, and more.

Visit the Mel's Car Wash & Express Detail website.

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